When tomatoes are out of season (or in season) and you’re jones’n the flavors of a capri salad, consider making bruschetta. I made an easy and super flavorful bruschetta and scooped it on to toasted french bread. Fresh, flavorful, simple, that’s Italian, that’s bruschetta!
the best bruschetta uses all fresh ingredients, tomatoes, basil, mozzarella, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper
Author: Alexis Avila, A Day in the Bite
Recipe type: Appetizer
Cuisine: Italian
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: 4
When tomatoes are out of season and you're jones'n the flavors of a capri salad, consider making bruschetta. I made an easy and super flavorful bruschetta and scooped it on to toasted french bread. Fresh, flavorful, simple, that's Italian, that's bruschetta!
- Three tomatoes
- Fresh Mozzarella 1 bulb
- Fresh Basil, about ten leaves
- Olive Oil, ¼ cup
- Balsamic Vinegar, ⅛-1/4 cup
- Salt/Pepper, to taste
- Dice Tomatoes
- salt tomatoes
- tear up basil leaves
- chop mozzarella into tiny cubes
- add salt and pepper to taste
- mix ingredients in large bowl
- toast some fresh bread and ladle mixture over bread, enjoy!
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